Yellowknife, where almost 22,000 people call home, is a very spectacular place to live. Yellowknife is located at 62˚27N and 114˚22W on the North shore of the Great Slave Lake and 400Kilometers South of the Arctic Circle.
City Cab (1993) Ltd. shareholders, board of directors, drivers and employees believe that what makes Yellowknife spectacular is not its location only but by far its people - the people of the northern communities.
Every year city cab supports initiatives through donations, scholarships, sponsorships and event participation. Some recent initiatives that city cab supported include:
City Cab (1993) Ltd. seeks to make a positive contribution in the community. Towards this end, City Cab supports events or activities that promote and contribute to the health and well-being of its stakeholders.
City Cab sponsors the City Cab Football Club (City Cab FC) to positively engage its stakeholders. Today, City Cab FC are the outdoor and indoor YKRSOL Champions.